The Standard package is particularly suitable to start a WordPress-Website with a limited budget.
- WordPress installation under your domain with ‘secure’ username and password.
- Setup of an Email address under your domain.
- Installation of a Theme (Design, Layout) of your choice from the wide assortments of Theme Junkie or Elegant Themes.
- Installation of the STUDIO GRAVES SecurityPack containing 5 Plugins against Spam, Login-Hacks and Malware.
- Integration of your Logo and customizing of the Sidebar.
- Creation of a Legal Notice page.
- Creation of max. 5 pages with text and pictures– if existing – layouted in an attractive and readable form.
- Linking to your social networks.
- Standard SEO measures.
- Useful links for the learning of WordPress.
Here, on the official WordPress website, you will find the technical requirements for a WordPress installation.
Please check with your Webhoster if these requirements are provided.
For the technical execution of this order it is required
- Login information of your provider to access your customer portal.
- FTP-login if available.
- Access to your social networks.
- A clear page structure of your future Website.
- Your Logo in a .jpg .png or pdf format.
- Your text for a legal notice page.
- Your texts and pictures for 5 pages – if existing.
You can be assured, that all your personal and login information will be handled with maximum discretion. Also, your confidential information will be stored on a separated medium, which is not connected to the internet.